Residents in Georgia drive on some of the deadliest roads in the nation. A new report shows that Georgia is one of the worst states in the United States for fatal car crashes. For those who call Georgia home, the statistics are not just numbers; they represent friends, family, and community members whose lives are cut short by preventable tragedies on our roads.

In 2022, Georgia families mourned the loss of 1,982 individuals in vehicle crashes, a staggering figure that translates to approximately five lives lost each day. This data, provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), represents a slight decrease from the 2,020 fatalities in 2021. However, over recent years, car accidents in Georgia have skyrocketed. In 2015, for example, 1,430 drivers and passengers lost their lives in car accidents. With the alarming increase in car accidents in Georgia, individuals involved in such incidents must seek legal assistance from a reputable car accident attorney.

Why Do Fatal Car Accidents Occur In Georgia?

Many reasons contribute to fatal car crashes in Georgia, including speed, aggressive driving, and distracted driving. Speed contributed to 16% of vehicle fatalities, while aggressive driving was a factor in 20% of deaths. Distracted driving, an increasingly prevalent issue, was involved in roughly 45% of motor vehicle crashes. Furthermore, a significant portion of fatalities involved drivers or passengers who were not wearing seatbelts, and an alarming 18% were related to impaired driving.

Among the victims, pedestrians represent a particularly vulnerable group, with 339 losing their lives in 2022. This statistic reminds us all of the dangers faced not just by drivers but by anyone who shares the road.

Adam Snider of the Governors Highway Safety Association said we are experiencing “a traffic safety crisis.” Many of these fatal accidents could be prevented, and states like Georgia must do whatever they can to reduce traffic accident fatalities.

What Is Georgia Doing to Prevent Fatal Car Crashes?

In response to traffic fatalities in the state, the Georgia Department of Public Health, for example, has received a $2.4 million grant to tackle vehicle crashes through education, safety equipment distribution, and data analysis. Emory University and the Grady Health System have embarked on a study funded by a substantial federal grant to investigate vehicle crashes in metro Atlanta.

Reduce Your Risk of Getting Into a Fatal Car Accident in Georgia

While it’s impossible to prevent all auto accidents, drivers can significantly reduce their risk of being involved in a fatal accident by adopting safer driving habits and making conscious decisions on the road. Being proactive about safety doesn’t just protect you. It also contributes to the safety of everyone who shares the road with you. 

Here are some steps Georgia drivers can take to minimize their risk:

  1. Always Wear Your Seatbelt: Seatbelts save lives by preventing you from being ejected from the vehicle or thrown against the interior and other passengers.
  2. Obey Speed Limits: Speeding reduces your reaction time and increases the severity of accidents. Stick to the speed limit, and adjust your speed according to road conditions.
  3. Avoid Distracted Driving: Put away your phone, and never text or browse social media while driving. Even hands-free devices can distract you, so focus on the road.
  4. Drive Sober: Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which impair your judgment, coordination, and reaction times. Call an Uber or Lyft if you’re out drinking.
  5. Adapt to Weather Conditions: Rain, fog, ice, and even high winds can affect your driving. Slow down and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles during adverse weather.
  6. Be Alert at Intersections: Use caution at stop signs and traffic lights. Look out for red-light runners and always check for pedestrians and cyclists before proceeding.
  7. Use Turn Signals: Communicate your intentions to other drivers by using your turn signals well before making a turn or lane change.
  8. Keep Your Vehicle Maintained: Regularly check your vehicle’s brakes, tires, lights, and other critical systems to ensure they are in good working order.
  9. Practice Defensive Driving: Stay aware of what other drivers around you are doing, and expect the unexpected. Assume drivers might not always follow traffic rules and be prepared to react safely.
  10. Plan Your Route: Knowing where you’re going can reduce the need for sudden lane changes or turns. Use a GPS or map app to plan your route in advance, especially for longer trips.
  11. Avoid Aggressive Driving: Keep your emotions in check. Aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating, speeding, and weaving through traffic, increase your risk of an accident.
  12. Rest If You’re Tired: Driving while fatigued can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. If you’re tired, take a break or share the driving responsibilities.

Contact Our Georgia Car Accident Lawyers

If you or someone you love is injured in a car accident in Atlanta or anywhere in Georgia, the car crash lawyers at Kim Law can help. Kim Law has recovered more than $20 MILLION for injured Georgia car accident victims and their families. Our Atlanta car accident attorneys can help you too. Call us today and JUST WIN!

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